For Students - Medical School in English
OC and NNW insurance for students and doctoral students UJK

Insurance period: 01/10/2023 to 30/09/2024

There are separate insurance contracts that operate at our University for the students of the Faculty of Medicine:

  1. Student Accident Insurance (NNW insurance)
  2. Civil liability insurance (OC insurance) - for students and PhD students of all Departments of the UJK in Kielce in connection with their participation in practical classes and internships in the Republic of Poland.
Joining the insurance contracts takes place in electronic form, and payment is made directly to the bank accounts indicated by InterRisk TU S.A. for a given insurance:

  1. NNW for students - guarantee sum of PLN 45 000,00

    To join the insurance:

    Enter the website:

    Enter the code: 2my85 (payment 50,00 PLN)

    Follow instructions

  2. OC insurance - guarantee sum of PLN 50,000.00

    Make a transfer in the amount of 30,00 PLN to the InterRisk account number: 29 1240 6960 7170 0800 2700 6700

    Download certificate from the University's website:„Certyfikat zawarcia ubezpieczenia OC”)

IMPORTANT: InterRisk requires the transfer title to provide personal data enabling identification of the person purchasing the insurance: name, surname and PESEL number (if applicable) of the Insured. The Certificate, printed by the Insured, is valid along with the bank confirmation of the bank transfer.